Introducing our new app: Mastering Emotional Health

To be updated


February 7, 2022


Gayle Hardie

It’s not every day you have the opportunity to launch a new app, however we are very excited that today is one of those days for Global Leadership Foundation! In this post we want to share the story of the app and introduce it to you.As I’ve written before, when Malcolm and I initially founded Global Leadership Foundation in 2003, we did so with the intent of ‘raising emotional health levels around the globe’. Nearly 20 years on, we continue to hold that intent. The need for greater emotional health around the planet is as critical as it has ever been.I have also previously written about the important role the world that QuantumThink® played in setting us on our path. Developed by Dianne Collins, QuantumThink® is a system of thinking that involves a new way of seeing and interpreting the world that is very different from what most people do every day. In particular, Malcolm and I applied the QuantumThink® Distinction of ‘allowing’ to our new foundation: ‘Allow for all the possibilities to reveal themselves to you – without pushing or manipulating them to happen.’In 2020, Malcolm and I expanded on our intent for Global Leadership Foundation: that ‘community leaders and business leaders around the globe are recognising the importance of emotional health for the sustainable growth and wellbeing of their communities.’Almost exactly a year ago, two of our Fellows, Denmark-based Bente Boe and Australian-based Sue Gregory supported us in that journey through the creation and development of a 21-part program with the aim of making emotional health and QuantumThink® more accessible. They titled the program ‘Mastering Emotional Health – 21 ways to enhance your wellbeing’.

They ran their program ‘in house’, and it was immediately obvious to our Global Fellows and Friends that we needed to find a way to bring what they had done to a wider, global audience.From there, one of our BCorp colleagues Julie Gibson connected us to an amazing company, IYP Software, who were able to turn what Bente and Susie had done into an online app, literally putting the Mastering Emotional Health program in reach of anyone with an internet connection.Today we proudly launch that app, Mastering Emotional Health – 21 ways to enhance your wellbeing, at quote from our introduction, the app ‘takes the important frameworks and principles that underpin the work of our organisation and turns them into bite-sized opportunities to discover, understand, strengthen and ultimately master emotional health.’One step at a time, the app introduces the principles behind emotional health, many of which we’ve touched on in previous articles on this blog and which we describe in detail in our most recent book, Working with Emotional Health and the Enneagram. In the second half, nine QuantumThink® Distinctions (principles) are introduced one at a time.Each session includes brief reading material and a meditation, and in many cases also a ‘recreation’ – activities you can do to deepen what you’ve learnt.The program is self-paced, with each session, including its accompanying meditation, easy to review at any time.The app can be freely accessed via any internet browser, on a desktop or laptop computer or a mobile device. No download is required and you can you can try the first two sessions, the Introduction and ‘Creating an Intent’, at no cost and without creating an account. Should you wish to progress, the remaining 20 sessions are unlocked for a one-off payment of A$9.90.We are very excited about the possibilities this app provides to bring emotional health to a much wider audience. We are extremely grateful to Bente and Sue for their initiative and creativity in developing the program, and to Dianne for agreeing to share her work within the app as well, providing its users with a truly comprehensive introduction to the worlds of emotional health and QuantumThink®.We encourage you to give ‘Mastering Emotional Health’ a try, and to share it with anyone you know who you think would benefit from its lessons.www.masteringemotionalhealth.comGayle

Photo by The Bored Apeventurer on Unsplash