Our work

Team Transformation

Building strong, collaborative and focused teams at all levels of an organisation is important for its ongoing success

Teams that see themselves as mutually accountable for their outcomes provide each other with the support necessary to achieve those results together.

Building A Great Team Culture offers the opportunity to develop and strengthen a team and its culture with what it needs at the time

Our approach to team transformation is to avoid prescriptive one-size-fits-all programs that may or may not achieve the desired outcome. Rather, we have designed a model that provides the opportunity to assess and review nine critical success factors in building a great team culture for an established team, then determining which of these are important for the team at that time.

Download 'Creating a Great Team Culture' process map

Acknowledging the uniqueness of individuals needs to be balanced with how best to work effectively together to achieve shared success

Working as a team involves genuine engagement and collaboration with others. Effective teams clarify and reflect on each other’s style of leadership and the impact this has on others. They are clear about what is expected from each other in terms of behaviours and capability, while everyone is supported in their ongoing development.

Use our Creating a Great Team Culture process map today

Our model is free to download and use with your team. It’s simple to follow with instructions found in the document. You can use the model  to identify what a ‘greenfield’ team could look like and create a development plan to achieve this. The model also provides the opportunity to assess and review each of the nine critical success factors in Building a Great Team Culture for an established team, and will support you in determining which of these factors  are important for your team at this time..

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a facilitation process to guide your team through it, please contact us.


Leader as sponsor

We design our team transformation program specific to your team’s needs and help you to deliver it using our 'leader as sponsor' approach.

We know that senior leadership behaviour determines around two-thirds of an organisation’s culture, and culture, in turn, has a very significant impact on the effectiveness of the organisation. These consequences are demonstrated on a smaller, but no less important, scale during development initiatives.

We also know, from long experience, that when a senior leader does authentically take on the role of sponsor for these programs, the results are much more likely to be substantial and sustained.