Where in the world are Gayle and Malcolm?

To be updated


May 18, 2017


Gayle Hardie

This month has turned out to be one of significant travel for Gayle and Malcolm.It started with that trip to Central Australia for the B Corp Champions Retreat and Spirit of Leadership experience.They returned to Melbourne briefly before heading to Europe where they will work with local Global Leadership Fellows to host 'Taste of Tables of Ten' workshops in Helsinki, Copenhagen and Gothenburg over the next week.On the last weekend of the month Gayle and Malcolm have been invited to present two sessions at the IEA China conference in Shenzhen – an event they have been attending since its inception in 2008. They will then travel to Hong Kong to facilitate a workshop on Emotionally Healthy Leadership for the Hong Kong Management Association on May 29 (details below) and meet with Global Fellow Stingo Chan and the HKMA board to explore 'Tables of Ten' in Hong Kong.