Opening Doors': Inner East Social Inclusion Community Leadership Program

To be updated


August 18, 2017


Gayle Hardie

Gayle recently co-facilitated the first three-day retreat for 'Opening Doors', a six-month community leadership program focussed on social inclusion. During the retreat, participants were asked to share their thoughts and ideas regarding social inclusion and community leadership and what it meant to them. The following is a story one of the groups created and we would like to share it with all of you.Once upon a time we lived in a community that had neighbours who did not know each other, others who lived with special needs. They spoke the language of their home land, they had a passion for their community, yet they felt isolated, alone, troubled and lost. Others were afraid of their suburbs, scared in their homes, they feared going out.There were others who loved technology and how it could impact on society, be it positive or negative, and some who feared it. Others worried about healthcare and the environment; others saw the disharmony big changes in their community brought.Yet there was a small group who believed in and saw the power and support that could be injected into their community.“How can we make changes?” and “How do we stay above the line?” they asked.“Let us reach out, let us have street parties, support the Protective Services Officers at the stations, let us work together,” they said. “Let us reach out and reduce isolation, let us have coffee, let us educate and mentor others about the environment, healthcare and change,” they said.You, me, us - together we can make a difference.Lisa, Bhagya, Julia, Sulaiman & May.Opening Doors July 2017

Opening Doors Social Inclusion