What can we do together that we can’t do apart?

To be updated


November 5, 2019


Gayle Hardie

We have recently come to the conclusion of another two Tables of Ten, bringing to over 30 the number of leaders engaged in this process over the past three years.The question that heads this blog post is one that is explored over the nine months each group is together.At first glance, it may appear that the question is oriented towards the group finding a ‘project’ to work on together. While taking this path definitely has an important place in many development programs, for Tables of Ten it has a broader purpose.When reflecting on our Tables of Ten journeys so far, this question has provided all of us with significant opportunities to:

  • appreciate the strength and influence of our current formal and informal networks, realising how important they are as we influence at a local and global level
  • gain the wisdom and insight of the group through bringing our challenges and opportunities to the table and learning from the experiences of others
  • understand that our own thinking, feeling and achieving is enhanced in the presence of a question and supported by a ‘thinking’ partner
  • become aware that increasing one’s own emotional health only comes with practice and is strengthened by being accountable to oneself and others
  • create intent, allowing and openness to the possibilities (rather than ‘controlling’ and just ‘making things happen’), and understanding that these can have a significant impact on what can be achieved, and
  • increase the emotional health levels of leaders across the world, while understanding that to do this we have to work on ourselves first!

Reading these words is one thing, hearing from participants themselves is another. Take a moment to listen to the thoughts of some of our Tables of Ten participants so far, what the program has meant for them and how it has taken them closer to answering that initial question.
