On Abundance

To be updated


September 5, 2016


Gayle Hardie

I want to continue exploring the world of prosperity and what else contributes to this very important facet of my life. One of the words that enriches prosperity for me is abundance. Even saying that word fills the air around me and creates a strong vibration within me. It is rich in its sound and depth.The word abundance has several definitions, however the one I love to use is ‘overflowing fullness’. Whilst this definition is often used when describing the heart, in my world it is connected to having so much more available than what we might initially choose to experience, feel or think.Drawing on this definition, abundance can be brought into our lives in numerous ways.

  • It is about seeing and illuminating the possibilities and potential in what ‘shows up’ in a day, rather than only experiencing the risks and consequences of what is present.
  • Accepting that we may deserve more in our life than we believe we are entitled to. That may be as simple as acknowledging a compliment with a ‘thank you’, rather than dismissing what you have done as ‘nothing’. Or it could be receiving the generosity of another with gratitude instead of saying ‘I don’t deserve it’.
  • Appreciating the diversity of ideas, thoughts and opinions that exist in any topic of conversation and adding these to your own perspective of how the world can be seen and experienced. You certainly don’t have to believe everything you hear. However to hold and respect differences allows you to sit more easily with ambiguity and opposition, and to understand that there is more than one way to see the world.
  • Creating opportunities for others to thrive and develop, supporting them in understanding their potential and what is possible. Bringing your own capability and experience as a mentor or coach rather than seeing others as potential competitors, or as unworthy or not qualified enough to deserve your time.
  • Continuing to build your own emotional health through conscious choices and mindful practices. Tapping into your own potential and gifts and leading by example in how you live your life, rather than assuming that you ‘have it all’ or ‘don't need development’ or have ‘been there done that – I don’t need to experience it all again’
  • Collaborating and co-creating; bringing everyone’s ideas into the mix and building on the amazing potential this generates to produce something no one person could have imagined or expected on their own. Not seeing yourself as the only one with the right idea, as the most creative or as the only one who really knows what is real or right.

These are just a few examples of what abundance means for me in my life. I am sure you will have your own examples of how you bring ‘overflowing fullness’ to your life and to the lives of others. The more we can share, the more abundant we (and the world) will be.Gayle