“On the Balcony” at Byron 2019
The opportunity to build lasting self-awareness, insight and effective techniques that can be used in a variety of settings to enhance your wellbeing and increase presence.
The opportunity to build lasting self-awareness, insight and effective techniques that can be used in a variety of settings to enhance your wellbeing and increase presence.
For the past 10 years, I have had the honour of being part of the team facilitating the ‘Opening Doors’ Social Inclusion Community Leadership Program. Running over six months each year, it provides leadership development to around 20 community members from Melbourne’s east and south-east who are passionate about working towards a more socially inclusive [...]
It is interesting to look back on the year that has been 2017 and reflect on the content of the blog posts we have shared over this time. When I did just that, what was unexpected was the emergence of an underlying theme in all of them around making conscious choices to affect who you [...]
It is so interesting to see the world of leadership engaging with the word ‘caring’. Finally the importance of building and strengthening genuine and supportive relationships is being recognised as integral to effective leadership. What is valuable in exploring this amazing quality is recognition that caring comes in a variety of forms. It is so [...]
Gayle recently co-facilitated the first three-day retreat for 'Opening Doors', a six-month community leadership program focussed on social inclusion. During the retreat, participants were asked to share their thoughts and ideas regarding social inclusion and community leadership and what it meant to them. The following is a story one of the groups created and we [...]
When we are describing a leader with high emotional health levels we are describing someone who engages in mindful practices and makes ‘conscious choices’ in their decision making. What does this mean? What are conscious choices and why are they an important aspect of emotionally healthy leadership? When a leader is under pressure to make [...]
From May 2017, Malcolm and I, along with our Global Leadership Fellows, have started bringing together networks of like-minded leaders to collectively make a difference across the world. We’re doing this through our global initative: ‘Tables of Ten’. At a time of widespread disconnect, lack of inclusion, separatism, competition and greed, we are inviting authentic and [...]
We've recently been working with a very profitable organisation that is now ‘on the market’. In preparing for the sale process, the business is organising itself in the usual way – clarifying assets, revenue, profitability, etc. – to assist potential purchasers with their financial due diligence. However this organisation is going a step further. They [...]
The opportunity to build lasting self-awareness, insight and effective techniques that can be used in a variety of settings to enhance your wellbeing and increase presence.
The opportunity to build lasting self-awareness, insight and effective techniques that can be used in a variety of settings to enhance your wellbeing and increase presence.