Recently a couple of things have prompted me to consider the notion of ‘generosity of spirit’.
The first was my experience of the real concern and genuine distress caused to people across the globe when one company chose to ground all its aircraft as part of an ongoing industrial relations process.
The second was an interview with Australian of the Year Simon McKeon about the Occupy protests in which he restated his long-held views that big business, generally, could be doing much more in the way of philanthropy.
In both these cases, what seems to be missing at the core is a generosity of spirit.
Generosity of spirit is the openness and willingness to share our ‘gifts’ (both emotional and material) freely with others.
This sharing is done joyously and willingly, is generated through respect and compassion, involves experiencing and celebrating what is important to all of us, and comes without wanting anything in return.
In sharing, we generate abundance and increase prosperity for all. We can make a difference, transform situations, generate creative and innovative solutions and lead by example. We can strengthen our own and other’s responsibility, share our wisdom and knowledge for everyone’s benefit, foster peace and harmony, explore and build connecting threads where there were none and celebrate all that becomes possible as a result.
When we are generous in spirit we receive more than we ever imagined and understand that whatever we have given comes back to us in ways we may never have expected.
How many of us are genuinely generous in spirit? How many of us regularly do, give, accept or undertake something voluntarily or ungrudgingly?
Who of us:
- picks up a piece of paper in the street that we didn’t drop?
- steps in to help when our natural tendency is to do the opposite?
- sits in discomfort rather than find the easy way out and turn a blind eye?
- makes regular donations to those in need because of the need itself – not because of the prominence given to it in the media, or because it may ultimately be beneficial to our ‘bottom line’?
Generosity of spirit is contagious and generates its own opportunities.
When we do what we can – when we are willing to make life easier for others – it prompts more and more people around us to do likewise. Or at least to think about it. People do notice and eventually begin to respond in the same way.
Thank you, Gayle. I like your thinking.
The reward is in doing the good deed. One feels good when one is generous of spirit.
No one remains untouched when they experience true generosity of spirit. And we really need to be reminded and touched frequently so we be inspired to pass it on. The capacity to be generous is within all of us – but it needs cultivating and attention to be “brought into action” . Too bad media are so hesitant to bring us stories about this, and why isn’t this a frequent topic to explore when we talk with friends and others, I wonder? Thanks for this Gayle.
Hi Gayle, what you have written here resonates with me.
I believe we all hold an imaginary Reserve Bank. When I do a good deed, help someone, perform an act of kindness, take time out to listen to someone with a problem, I liken that to making a deposit into my Reserve Bank account. These are deeds I do and give freely without any expectation of something back in return nor even a thank you. Sometimes the person receiving the good deed doesn’t even kow it has happened and nor do they necesaarily kow it came from me
I love to load up this account as often as I can and you won’t be surprised to hear me say that it becomes contagious within myself.
Strangly enough, every now and then someone does something good and out of the ordinary for me. Is this because I hav filled my Reserve Bank? Who knows, but it does happen constantly.
The other thing is When my Reserve Bnak runs low, my subconcious tells me that I’d better get on my bike and load it up again. I’m still learning this “game” and enjoying the journey!
I wonder what would happen in society if this was how things naturally happened?
I love reading your regular pieces, keep up the great work.
Best regards
Ross Porter
Indeed. Generosity is, or ought to be, one of the “brands” of our species.
When authentic generosity flourishes, individuals and systems need neither long for nor contemplate systems that attempt to mandate and enforce it. Absent authentic generosity…..well, let’s see: “What have we here?!”
Alas, contemplating the antecedents of generosity, and the whither….
Thanks Gayle, Generosity of Spirit is like ‘aha’ moments, they come to us when we least expect. If we don’t pay attention they may just pass by. Your article reminds me not only to be generous in spirit but it invites me to pay attention and to be honoured by those who offer me their generous spirit. The wonderful movie “Pass it forward” is worth a visit.
Hi, as my old scaffolding and rigging mates, what goes around comes around or put in more complex terms we are the sum total of our relationships if our relationships are based on a generosity of spirit and you are a giving person good things happen