
Organisation renewal

Over the past decade, we have worked with many not-for-profit organisations who have experienced an ever-increasing requirement to do more with less as well as develop a greater business focus in order to compete for resources. As a consequence, several have identified an increasing distancing and separation from the spirit in which they were created.  [...]

By |2022-07-28T15:38:06+10:00August 5th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Organisation renewal

Emotionally Healthy Leadership in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a special place and we are always inspired by the enthusiasm for and engagement in learning of those who joined us in our workshops there in June.  The opportunity to share our insights and experience on Emotionally Healthy Leadership was provided by Eunice Chen through Paragon Culture with over 45 people attending a 3 [...]

By |2021-10-19T10:41:50+11:00July 8th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Emotionally Healthy Leadership in Hong Kong

Upcoming community events – The Funding Network

The Funding Network is a not-for-profit organisation that hosts crowd-funding events that harness the power of collective giving. The fun, friendly and open environment gives grassroots organisations the chance to pitch and secure more that just the group funds raised, but also community support and awareness for their big ideas. They have three upcoming events in Sydney and [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:26+11:00June 3rd, 2014|News|Comments Off on Upcoming community events – The Funding Network

Upcoming workshops in Hong Kong & speaking engagements

Co-founders Gayle Hardie and Malcolm Lazenby are heading back to Hong Kong this month to re-connect with friends and colleagues and run two workshops on Emotionally Healthy Leadership. The first workshop is in collaboration with Stingo Chan of Parachute Consultancy Limited and the second workshop will be at the Paragon Culture center and is open to the public (registration [...]

By |2016-07-07T10:08:40+10:00June 3rd, 2014|News|Comments Off on Upcoming workshops in Hong Kong & speaking engagements

Global Leadership Foundation @ IEA Europe Conference

  Co-Founders Gayle Hardie and Malcolm Lazenby are heading to beautiful Portugal this month to present at the 2014 European Enneagram Conference in Lisbon. They will be discussing The Emotionally Healthy Leader and will share their insights and experience in how leaders can progress through these stages of development – making sense of the world [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:29+11:00April 11th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Global Leadership Foundation @ IEA Europe Conference

Solomon Islands Flood Relief

Source: ABC We are sad to hear about the flash flooding in Honiara which has left dozens dead and thousands living in emergency shelters around the capital. A colleague from Leadership Solomons, Jonnie Tango, who we've previously worked with in strategic planning capacity, has sent us a report which highlights some urgent needs [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:29+11:00April 11th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Solomon Islands Flood Relief

The first Do Lectures Australia right around the corner

Source: Do Lectures Australia blog Do Lectures Australia is just around the corner! There are a couple of tickets left (literally) to be snapped up by a few special people who want to attend the very first Do in Australia. Described as 'Ted meets Burning Man', it is a genre-defying event held in [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:29+11:00April 8th, 2014|News|Comments Off on The first Do Lectures Australia right around the corner

Growing Appreciation of Vertical Development

Last week, co-founder Gayle Hardie spoke at the Australian Medicare Local Alliance Corporate Executives Conference where her workshop, The Emotionally Healthy Leader, was very well received. We were overwhelmed by delegates wanting to buy the book and discuss how we could work with their business to strengthen leadership. See her presentation (Prezi) here. We are continually encouraged [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:30+11:00April 8th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Growing Appreciation of Vertical Development

Eastern Arrernte Leadership Experiences 2014

This four-day journey into the desert in Central Australia will challenge your beliefs, enhance your resilience and creativity and help you lead a healthier professional and personal life.   As a leader, you are the conscience of an organisation. How you act, respond to situations, and treat other colleagues resonates throughout your entire workplace. You [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:30+11:00March 15th, 2014|Experiences, News|Comments Off on Eastern Arrernte Leadership Experiences 2014

Opening Doors Celebrates 5 Years

Opening Doors - A Community Leadership Program for Social Inclusion                           In 2013, we were proud to be collaborating once again with Opening Doors - A Community Leadership Program For Social Inclusion as they celebrated 5 years of making a real difference in [...]

By |2017-02-08T12:22:30+11:00January 7th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Opening Doors Celebrates 5 Years
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