
About Gayle Hardie

Gayle is internationally recognised for her capability, enthusiasm and experience in the world of leadership and organisation transformation. She currently works with boards and senior leaders all over the world in a range of areas, including: transformational leadership and change in individuals and organisations, strategic planning and development, emotional health and leadership resilience, leading through facilitating, strengthening collaboration, and board and executive mentoring and coaching.

Contrasts and healing

Sue Gregory came to Alice Springs knowing she needed to be in this country yet not knowing what that would look like for her life. Frank Ansell comes from this country and understands that he has an important role in his community sharing his teachings and wisdom with others. Coming together was not coincidence and what they offer combines their worlds in an effortless flow. In the time you spend with Sue and Frank, you are invited to, and begin to, appreciate and understand the power of the land. You also start to connect to your own infinite potential.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:33+11:00September 24th, 2012|Emotional health|3 Comments

The empathetic leader

The word ‘empathy’ has been in common use for around 20 years, yet it is still widely misunderstood – both in its meaning and its application. At times empathy can still be confused with ‘sympathy’, and through that confusion empathy tends to be thought of as ‘something you do with someone who is sad’. In practice, the ability to be empathetic has broad application and is one of the more important capabilities anyone, especially a leader, can have.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00September 10th, 2012|Leadership|2 Comments

Vision into Reality – the Larapinta Leadership Development Challenge

Two years ago Ruth Nissim of the 3BL Group contacted us to discuss a vision she had to combine the world of leadership, corporate social responsibility and physical challenge. Last week, Ruth’s vision became a reality when the seven day Larapinta Leadership Development Challenge took place on the spectacular Larapinta Trail in the Northern Territory. Malcolm and I were fortunate to take part in the week as facilitators. A highlight was a 16 kilometre ascent and descent of Mt. Sonder, with its peak at an altitude of 1350 metres.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00August 27th, 2012|Leadership|2 Comments

Rediscovering the gift of spontaneity

Lately I’ve become aware of what I feel is a growing reticence amongst people to speak spontaneously. This is particularly the case in group situations and especially amongst leaders, either when talking amongst themselves or to their staff. I have felt it myself: a sense of second-guessing as I go to say something, pulling back for fear of offending or being taken the wrong way. It has always been this way, of course: social norms demand that we moderate what we say in given situations. But it does seem that there is less acceptance of spontaneity at the moment...

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00August 13th, 2012|Emotional health, Leadership|Comments Off on Rediscovering the gift of spontaneity

External brand and leadership brand. How well do yours mesh?

There seems to be a disconnect between the public experience of the Olympic Games and the IOC’s jealous guarding of their symbols. It is similar to what we commonly see when there is a misalignment between the external brand of an organisation and the prevalent ‘leadership brand’ inside it. Organisations with a strong and resilient connection between external brand and the customer experience achieve this through their approach the development of leaders who have a strong brand themselves.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00August 1st, 2012|Emotional health, Leadership|2 Comments

Blending leadership development with CSR

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a concept has been around for many years – since the 1970s – however we think it’s fair to say that for many corporations it remains a challenge. While we may have moved past the stage where CSR initiatives were largely tokenistic, it can still be difficult to properly integrate these initiatives with the overall business direction. The trick is in meshing these two things together so CSR becomes more than just ‘something we do on the side’.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00July 2nd, 2012|Leadership|Comments Off on Blending leadership development with CSR

In hindsight

There are times in our lives when we can't help but look back with hindsight. As I go through one of those periods at the moment, I've been reflecting on the nature of hindsight itself. Its meaning, its value, its implications. Hindsight is about looking back, but it is more than just remembering. It is about looking back and allowing ourselves to understand the past with more clarity than we had at the time, whether that past was some years ago or only yesterday.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00June 18th, 2012|Emotional health|9 Comments

A quick introduction to the Enneagram

In these blog posts over the last year, I've described a number of the concepts that we use regularly in our work, such as whole body thinking, the line of choice, and emotional health. From time to time I've also mentioned the Enneagram, without providing detail of what it is. So this time I thought I would briefly introduce the Enneagram.

By |2024-05-03T09:39:17+10:00June 4th, 2012|Enneagram|Comments Off on A quick introduction to the Enneagram

Seeing over the horizon

Every time we return from one of our Leadership Experiences I am reinvigorated by the effect the week has on our participants. As I have written before, there is something particularly powerful about taking leaders well away from their everyday environment - something which stretches their development far more than we are able to do in a traditional setting. Our recent trip to Tetepare, from which we have just returned, left me thinking again about why working in these remote places is so important. It is all about seeing the horizon, both literally and metaphorically.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00May 21st, 2012|Emotional health, Experiences, Leadership|Comments Off on Seeing over the horizon

The real difference between leadership and management

Continuing the theme of leadership of my last two posts, I thought it would be good to touch on the differences between management and leadership. Although this distinction is constantly debated in books and papers elsewhere, I think it is relevant here because it leads on from last time’s discussion about recognition of authentic leadership.

By |2017-02-08T12:22:34+11:00May 7th, 2012|Emotional health, Leadership|4 Comments
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