The 9 Languages of Team Leadership

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We are very pleased to introduce you to our friend, colleague, and innovator in the field of emotional intelligence and the Enneagram, Andrea Isaacs.

We have both studied with and been trained by Andrea, and it’s made a really valuable difference in how we work with leaders, teams and organisations.  Her work in Enneamotion plays an integral part of our book, The Emotionally Healthy Leader.  So you know that we wouldn’t be sharing this email with you if we didn’t believe you would also be changed and inspired by working with her.

Andrea has an event coming up we want you to share with you.

She knows that to be a high performing team leader, you need to speak the language of the people you’re leading. Our personalities determine what motivates us, how we communicate and how we lead. Since your team consists of different personality styles, they are likely to be communicating in more than one language!

Do you sometimes ask why:

  • is there a lack of common understanding amongst my team members?
  • isn’t my team following through on what they are meant to be doing?
  • isn’t my team more engaged?

Part of the answer is that we are all different, and have a variety of responses to the same situation.

In joining Andrea on her call, you will:

  • Learn the language of those you lead
  • Understand the motivations for why each of us responds and reacts differently in the same situation
  • Use these tools to easily connect and communicate with your team

The 9 Languages of Team Leadership

How to motivate and inspire

a superb team for maximum performance

Tuesday, Oct. 27 / 7.15am Melbourne time

(Click here for a time zone converter)

Discover how to communicate with, get buy-in, ownership, and commitment from any team, anywhere.

The most effective leaders:

  • easily motivate and inspire their teams
  • have the capacity to lead with a variety of leadership styles
  • are fluid and fluent in switching between styles as needed

They lead by speaking the language of those they lead.

Andrea has a unique system, backed up by brain science, which will give you several easy-to-use techniques for learning the 9 languages of team leadership, which will increase your emotional intelligence as well as build and strengthen your interpersonal skills!

Click here to register for Andrea’s complimentary call.

It’s lightning fast and the learning lasts.

Even though it’s virtual, this work is experiential and will invite you to listen to your body’s wisdom. This call is engaging, and you will leave with some easy-to-use tools for mastering the art of the 9 team leadership languages that you can start using immediately.

Tap into your team’s strengths and gifts in a way that benefits everyone, and promotes innovation, motivation, success and well-being!

In addition

Join Andrea for this free call and you’ll receive the Leadership Styles.pdf, a handout with a thumbnail description of the gifts and challenges of the 9 different  team leadership styles.

At the end of the call, Andrea will also provide you with details of a further handout designed to continue to support your own leadership development.

Don’t forget to register for the call!   We’ll “see you” there!


Warm wishes

Gayle and Malcolm

Global Leadership Foundation



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