BConscious Leadership breakfast with Matt Nation

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  • What does it mean to lead a B Corp?
  • What does a ‘good day’ and a ‘not so good’ day look like for a B Corp leader?
  • What sends a leader ‘below the line’ and into the realm of blaming, denying, defending and justifying what they do?
  • What keeps a leader ‘above the line’ – taking personal responsibility for their actions and enabling others to do the same?

Matt Nation, Nation PartnersBridget Blackford from Triskel Consulting and Gayle Hardie and Malcolm Lazenby from Global Leadership Foundation invite you to join them at their inaugural BConscious Leadership breakfast on July 11 to explore these questions with Matt Nation, managing director of Nation Partners.

Matt is the founder of Nation Partners, a firm specialising in environmental, stakeholder relations and infrastructure advisory. Nation Partners has always been about its people and the exceptional things they do. They attract and develop the brightest minds and take an active part in shaping the world and delivering better outcomes for communities.

Matt has extensive experience leading multi-disciplinary projects and delivering business cases and feasibility assessments for a range of government and private sector organisations.

Register below and meet us at the Henley Club for an amazing conversation, a cup or two of Jasper coffee (another great B Corp) along with a croissant and jam. Thanks to the support of the Henley Club and Jasper Coffee, entry to this event is just $10 + GST to cover expenses.

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