We have been contributing to the Enneagram in Business site (www.theenneagraminbusiness.com) on a regular basis and wanted to share one of our insights as a theme for this month – it is on Respect.

Respect is choosing not to stand in judgement of another.  It is acknowledging them for who they are and what has bought them to this point in time, rather than focusing on what they have or have not done or what they feel or think.
  It is sometimes incredibly difficult to see someone for who they truly are, particularly if their story and journey is difficult to accept or believe, is one that troubles you or has directly impacted on your own well-being.
  Everyone deserves the opportunity to be “heard”.  When I take the time to do this, I find that my own “internal dialogue” quietens and I am more able to see what is driving or motivating the behaviours I am experiencing from the other person.  From this comes greater understanding and compassion – two important markers of respect.